Blog: 11th March 2022

It’s been a week of activities for International Week, led by our Head and Deputy Head students, inspired by Izzy. They took assemblies talking to students about how they could get involved in activities and help to raise money for the Disasters Emergency Committee to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

In Year 9 Geography lessons, students have researched geographical information about an unfamiliar country of their choice. This information will be used to decorate a plate that will form part of a larger display of shared knowledge on different places in the world. In Food Technology Year 8 have been cooking chow mein whilst Year 7 have been perfecting bechamel sauce.

In Computing, Year 7 have been learning about cell references in spreadsheets to create flags from different countries.

Historians have been looking at celebrations across the world, finding out what and how other cultures celebrate. Students have been using their findings to create a display of world culture and celebration. Here it is, under construction.

Desks were moved out of the Music Room, so that Year 8 musicians had the room for energetic samba band performances, as they learnt about Brazilian music. This lunchtime the Music block was filled with African drumming when the new space was filled with a djembe circle, filling the octagon with lots of noise and energy!

At lunchtime today Year 7 and 8 students experienced the East Asian art of origami. A number of different shapes were attempted and they even had small frogs jumping around the room!

We’ve also had form time quizzes, a scavenger hunt where students discovered how to say hello in many different languages and an International door form competition.

In the Dining Hall at lunchtime, Year 11 students including prefects and Head and Deputy Head students held an amazing Bake Sale, raising just under £400. Thank you for your support with this and for your generous donations through ParentMail. In total, we’ve raised a massive £829.64 for the Disasters Emergency Committee to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

In other news, the Year 10/11 Football Team are through to the semi-final of the County Cup following an impressive 4-3 (Leverett 3, Evans 1) victory over Selby High School.

Following Year 9 Futures Week, the Year 9 Options Evening is at 6pm on Monday 14th March. We’re really looking forward to welcoming Year 9 parents and carers into school.

A reminder that next Wednesday (16th) is a Professional Development Day when students do not attend school. We’ll be fundraising again next Friday (18th) by having a non-uniform day for Red Nose Day and if students wear red that will be even better. We’ll also be selling red noses on Thursday and Friday.

And on the commemoration of the 700th Anniversary of the Battle of Boroughbridge, have a lovely weekend!