Headteacher’s Blog – 15th September 2023

Now that we’re on to Week 2 of the Autumn Term, we feel fully back into routine. In assemblies this week, following the success of last year, Mrs. Murphy talked to students in Years 9, 10 and 11 about next steps with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. There is an information evening next week for parents, carers and students at 6.30p.m. on Wednesday 20th September.

The WellBeing in Mind Team led the Year 7 assembly on Friday. For those who are new to the school, the Wellbeing in Mind Team (WiMT) is a Mental Health Support Team (MHST) which is an NHS service that has been introduced as part of the national plans to expand mental health services for children, young people, and their families within schools and colleges. We are delighted that the team are based at Boroughbridge High School and work at schools across our locality. The Wellbeing in Mind Team aims to positively impact the mental health and wellbeing and we’re very much aware of how this service has benefited our students.

Thank you if you were able to attend the Expectations Evenings on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday this week. It was great to be able to share in detail what we’re doing and developing in school and to answer questions on every aspect of school life including our recent Ofsted inspection. Your feedback is critical in shaping our plans. There were also many offers from parents and carers of ways to support the school which are appreciated. I’ll send out a GoogleForm early next week to capture how we can work together on areas such as fundraising.

Our sports leaders were in action again on Wednesday helping to lead a football tournament for primary children from local schools. The weather was glorious and it was a great event all round.

It’s the launch of our Book Club next week so, if they haven’t already, your child still has time to read ‘The Blue Book of Nebo.‘ before Monday when they can go along to the library at lunchtime to discuss it.

Have a lovely weekend.