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KS4 Results 2019

MeasuresKS4 Results 2019
Progress8 score0.27
Attainment8 score48.8
Basics (Grades 4-9 in English and Maths)68%
Basics (Grades 5-9 in English and Maths)44%
Percentage of students achieving EBacc qualification29%
Destinations (the percentage of students who continue in education or training, or move on to employment at the end of 16 to 19 study)97%


KS5 Results 2019

Supp = Results not published by DFE as cohort is less than 5 students.

MeasuresA LevelAcademicApplied
Average GradeD+D+Merit+
Average Points Score23.6323.6327.50
Progress (L3VA)-0.16


KS5 Progress for English and Maths

Average ProgressSUPP-0.33


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