Blog: 27th May 2022

As we come to the end of the half term, highlights this week include 9WS getting fully immersed in the world of work by carrying out interviews during form time. Mrs Skilbeck reports that, ‘Last week they spoke to a fast jet pilot, Tony, finding out about his career and working week. His advice to them all was to find a job that you love doing and then it never feels like work! This week they chatted with Doctor Dan, an anaesthetist, and found out how he copes with all the gory bits of surgery. They also learned that the hardest parts of his job are both dealing with emergencies in the operating theatre, and the emotional challenge of looking after the most poorly patients and their families in intensive care. The students are practising communication skills and it’s making us all think about different people and their lifestyles.’


Meanwhile in the Digital World, Mrs. Knock reports that ‘In Code Club, students have started to explore ‘Cyber Explorers’, a platform aimed at building knowledge and skills in cyber security for 11-14  year olds.  This exciting initiative is led by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), where students play games and solve problems, whilst learning about the basics of digital security.

Y7 students have  been exploring programming with Microbits, small pocket size computers. In their first lesson they looked at the features of the microbit which include an accelerometer, inputs and a screen made up of LED lights as you can see.’


In Geography, Mrs Bauwens reports that ‘Year 7 have been looking at the water cycle and getting to grips with lots of key words this week.  Year 8 have been starting their new topic on Coastal Landscapes and will be using what they have learnt about how the sea erodes to make flip books showing how stacks are formed.  Year 9 have been cooling off by studying how ice ages have affected the British Isles and will go on to study glaciers.’

In assemblies Mr. Grierson, in preparation for the week ahead, has been looking at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, describing the significance of the event and the history that lies behind the celebration.

This morning Years 7 and 9 have had an extended assembly led by The Inspire Youth Project exploring the challenges of growing up and keeping yourself safe.

Have a lovely weekend and Bank Holiday Jubilee weekend!