Headteacher’s Blog – 17th May 2024

It’s been another week of focus for Years 10 and 11 as we move into the second week of the Summer exams. An important part of exam preparation is having quality sleep and so, in Mrs. Godsell-Wright’s assemblies this week, the topic was sleep and relaxation. She talked about the importance of sleep and its effect on us along with strategies to help students to sleep better. The top four were setting your internal sleep clock by waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day. Secondly, making sure your bedroom is dark with all devices switched off! Thirdly, getting sufficient exercise and finally finding ways to relax before bedtime. All in all, excellent tips.

There has been much excitement in Science Club over the last couple of weeks. Ms.Camy reports that ‘For the last 2 weeks in science club, we have been making a floating bat and a disc boomerang. The floating bat worked really well but a bit more skill was needed when throwing the boomerang!’ In fact, as you can see, some ties had to be removed!

We’ve also been interviewing for new staff this week.  One of the activities for candidates is a student interview where questions created by students are used to find out more. Our Year 9 team this week were very impressive both in the questions they asked and the helpful and insightful feedback they gave me. I’ll give you further details about our appointments in
my Headteacher Update next week.

As part of Ofsted’s Big Listen, they’ve asked the National Centre for Social Research to carry out a short survey on their behalf and would like to hear from parents and carers. They are interested in views of, and any experiences with, Ofsted, including Ofsted’s inspection, regulation and reporting practices. They really want to hear from a wide range of parents and carers, even if you don’t have strong opinions about Ofsted. The survey findings will be used to help Ofsted improve the way it works in the future. You’ll have received an e-mail today with further details and the link to the survey.

Have a lovely weekend!