Headteacher’s Blog – 24th May 2024

It’s been another busy half term with exams, revision, more exams, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and a Rocket Car challenge. There’s more to come in the half term ahead with the Year 9 Bewerley Park trip fast approaching. It was great to welcome parents and carers to the meeting on Tuesday evening where Mr. Field talked through the trip and activities. Everyone seemed excited by the many and varied possible activities such as mountain biking and water sports but possibly a little less excited about having to be up and ready for an 8a.m. breakfast.

A thought that may need to be kept in mind during the trip was shared by Mr. Grierson in assemblies where he introduced students to the concept of ‘yet’! Rather than accepting that we can’t do something, he explored how saying yet at the end of the sentence changes your whole mindset and possible outcomes.

And so, with only twelve more days of exams to go after half term, Thursday marked our official start to Year 11 Study Leave although students are very welcome to continue to attend lessons after half term. To mark the end of their time at Boroughbridge High School, we had our Leavers’ Assembly, showing Year 7 photos taken at the time that at the top of the charts was Ed Sheeran featuring Stormzy with ‘Take Me Back To London’ and Liverpool were top of the Premier League table. Mrs Godsell-Wright was keen to share that West Ham were 5th! And, despite the pandemic hitting when they were still in Year 7, the images of their journey through BHS showed that they have made the most of every opportunity and made a significant contribution to the BHS community. We’ll look forward to celebrating further at the Prom following the end of the exams.

Up in Science Club this week, students discovered that you can make battery out of fruit. Yes, fruit! Year 7 concluded that the best fruits were apples with greatest effect when the electrodes were made out of magnesium and copper.

We’re planning for the year ahead, and are about to make a decision about whether or not to keep Parent/Carer evenings online or go back to face to face events. You can share your opinion here – https://forms.gle/f3JtJezyx85ncPst5

We’re currently recruiting for General Teaching Assistants. If you’re interested in working with us at Boroughbridge High School, then you can find out further details at https://www.boroughbridgehigh.com/vacancies/

Have a lovely Bank holiday weekend and we’ll look forward to welcoming students back into school after the half term break on Monday 3rd June.