I hope you had a good half term break. We’ve had a productive start to the second half of the Summer Term. Students in Years 10 and 11 have continued with their exams with Year 10 also preparing for the start of their new GCSE and BTEC option subjects when we move to the new timetable on Monday 24th June.
On Tuesday a group of Year 9 students who are completing the ‘Your Sustainable Future Project’ partnered with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service visited the Yorkshire Ambulance Service Call Centre in York. They found out more about the call centre whilst also looking at the sustainability projects taking place at the location before beginning to work on their projects in their small teams. Whilst the weather was reported to have been disappointing, the quality of the input, activities and engagement of students certainly made up for it. We’ll keep you updated as the project develops.
On Thursday, it was the annual Well-being Colour run hosted by North Yorkshire Sport. This event has been created to provide an opportunity for students to complete well-being and physical activities with their friends. Set in Dalby Forest, students visited the event village where there were activities to complete and inspiring talks from leading sportspeople along with completing a 2km course set within the forest. The students had a great time as you can see!

As part of our quality assurance, we’ve had two Governor visits this week, one on Wednesday and one on Thursday, with a focus on our key priorities of behaviour, engagement and attendance. During both visits, Governors were impressed with the high standards of behaviour both in classrooms and on corridors, the level of engagement of students and high uniform standards. This was mirrored in Mrs. Godsell-Wright’s assemblies about celebrations and our own celebration of students’ achievements with certificates being awarded to those who achieved all ‘Excellent’ and ‘Good’ in their latest tracking. The numbers of students achieving this continues to increase as the year progresses.
Our congratulations also go to Oliver and Toby in Year 9 who have been recognised for their innovative designs during the Raspberry Pi Competition. If you weren’t aware, a Raspberry Pi is a general purpose computer, usually with a Linux operating system which has the ability to run multiple programs.
There is still time for you to give us feedback about whether you’d prefer online or face to face Parent/Carer evenings next year. You can do so at the following link – https://forms.gle/f3JtJezyx85ncPst5
A reminder that Friday 21st June is a Professional Development Day when students do not attend school.

Finally, a local community event to look forward to is the Boroughbridge Summer Fete organised by the Boroughbridge Lions on 30th June.
Have a lovely weekend.