We have our own Careers Adviser at Boroughbridge High School who provides our students with careers education, information and advice and guidance. The Careers Adviser helps students make important decisions and choices about their future plans.
Our Careers Adviser (Karen Morgan) has a qualification in Careers Guidance (Level 7) and experience of working with students from a variety of backgrounds.
Our Careers Adviser supports students by:
- Providing impartial information, advice and guidance on careers, GCSE options, post 16 and post 18 options
- Offering one to one guidance interviews and group sessions
- Attending school events to discuss ideas and plans with students and parents/carers
- Supporting students with applications to colleges, apprenticeships and other post 16 and post 18 opportunities.
- Working with pastoral leaders and SEN staff in school. Working with local colleges and external agencies to ensure that additional support is given when needed and to support transition into post 16 and post 18 learning.
To contact Karen Morgan our Careers Adviser:
- Ring school on 01423 323540 and ask to speak to Karen Morgan in the careers room.
- Email – kmorgan@boroughbridgehigh.com
Can you support your young person (and others) through our Careers Programme?
We like to our encourage our parents, employers, businesses and alumni to support our careers programme. This could be through a variety of ways (such as volunteering, talking to students, mentor student or be on a stand at one of our careers fairs etc.).
Please contact Karen Morgan (email: kmorgan@boroughbridgehigh.com) if you would like more information re becoming involved in our careers programme and events.
School virtual Careers library
eCLIPS – Our Virtual Careers Library – https://www.eclips-online.co.uk

We have chosen eCLIPS as our careers information resource. This easy-to-use online platform will help you make informed decisions for your future. It’s written specifically for 11-19s by career professionals and provides:
- Accurate information on over 1400 jobs to help your consider the full range of options available to you
- Live-streamed labour market information including local vacancies
- Information catering for people of all abilities and stages (from school to adulthood)
- Careers linked to school/college subjects
- Impartial advice to help you choose study and employment options and prepare for the world of work
- An interactive career matching tool
Our licence provides unlimited access both at school and at home. Parents are most welcome to use the resource.
By investing in eCLIPS we are helping to meet four of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks (2, 3, 4 & 7), the Government’s chosen standards for high quality careers guidance provision.
How to access the eCLIPS careers library – you child will have posters in their form room with the access code. Emails will go out to parents at the beginning of the autumn term with the password for eCLIPS. If you cannot access the website contact our Careers Adviser Mrs Morgan or Mrs Town for the code. (Licence conditions prevent us posting the passwords on the website)
Useful resources for Parents and carers
Thinking outside the box booklet
Shape Your Future, York and North Yorkshire – 2021-22 – An engaging labour market information booklet for those aged 11-19. Shape Your Future highlights key employment sectors in the area and provides information on pathways and employability. This is the most recent version of Shape Your Future, the booklet is in the process of being updated and that version will be uploaded when we have it – please be assured that most of the information is still current.
Shape Your Future, York and North Yorkshire for SEND students– 2021-22 – An engaging labour market information booklet for SEND students aged 11-19. Shape Your Future highlights key employment sectors in the area and provides information on pathways and employability. This is the most recent version of Shape Your Future for SEND students, the booklet is in the process of being updated and that version will be uploaded when we have it – please be assured that most of the information is still current.