It is never too early to start thinking about what you will do when you leave Boroughbridge High School and we have lots of support available to help you decide
- Our careers adviser – Karen Morgan – is available to speak to on a weekly basis
- Visitors from Post 16 establishments and apprenticeship providers will be visiting and taking part in our assemblies and career events (taster day, careers fairs etc).
- Our Careers events throughout the year will give you the opportunity to meet and find out more about different options that are available to you.
- Our websites has links to quizzes and websites that you can research to find out more
You will also find information from our virtual careers library eCLIPS.
eCLIPS – Our Virtual Careers Library –

We have chosen eCLIPS as our careers information resource. This easy-to-use online platform will help you make informed decisions for your future. It’s written specifically for 11-19s by career professionals and provides:
- Accurate information on over 1400 jobs to help your consider the full range of options available to you
- Live-streamed labour market information including local vacancies
- Information catering for people of all abilities and stages (from school to adulthood)
- Careers linked to school/college subjects
- Impartial advice to help you choose study and employment options and prepare for the world of work
- An interactive career matching tool
Our licence provides unlimited access both at school and at home. Parents are most welcome to use the resource.
How to access the eCLIPS careers library – you will have posters in your form room with the access code. If you cannot access the website contact our Careers Adviser Mrs Morgan or Mrs Town for the code. Code will also be sent out in career letters to parents and will be part of students Career Action Plan information. (Licence conditions prevent us posting the passwords on the website)